Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Self Soothe???

For the first time in my term as Mommy, I experienced a "fail". I was complaining about my lack of sleep, how this baby did not adhere to the rigid guidelines of Mommy sleeptime. The dr pointed something out to me. This was all my doing. She said I had fallen victim, she had seen this before. This is my last baby, so I will baby the baby syndrome. She described its symptoms, it was me. And the rest of the gang. We are all well-aware that this is the LAST baby! I think that we are all laying it on a little thick. That poor child has cried just to be laid down. I am not kidding, we went to a wedding and she was so darn fussy. I had to put her down to adjust the tuxedo of the uber handsome ringbearer, my son and she started laughing! Poor thing. So, her pack n play was moved upstairs on Monday. I bought a monitor while I am waiting for a part for our video monitor. She slept until about midnight. Brought her downstairs, fed her, changed her, gave her some tylenol (she had her shots), and brought her back upstairs. She fussed a little but in 2 minutes she had herself asleep. I know because I counted every painful second. I learned something that although we want to baby her, she doesn't want to be babied. It makes me a very sad Mommy (of course this could be the lack of sleep talking). You start to sound delirious after 4 months of not sleeping. And these are the moments you remember all your life.... or at least that is what "they" say.