Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Proud Bewbie Moment

I, my friends, have to boast for just a minute - I have been nursing Halle for over 4 months! She has been supplemented a few times, but the growth I see - the fullness, the rolls, the lengthening - that's all me baby! GO BEWBIES!!!!! Now onto a more serious topic - nursing in public. This is becoming a serious debate. I am not a nurse in public girl (not that there is anything wrong with that). I am just not one to whip it out in public. I will leave a restaurant to sit in the back of the minivan and nurse. I think that Halle and I are much more comfortable that way. I don't have to use the nursing cover that she hates with a passion. I don't have to worry about grossing people about with nip slips. My husband could care less, he doesn't want a screaming baby. He doesn't want me to nurse in a restroom (he doesn't eat his lunch in a restroom). I know that he is grossed out by breastmilk. He is funny. He shields his eyes when the pump is going, pretends to gag when he sees breastmilk and really is grossed out by breastmilk spitup. But honestly, what do people really think about breastfeeding at a restaurant??? I am brought back to my Dad. We have these families that we have been spending time with since I was 11 - every holiday, we were together. Now, we are grown up and have our own families. The huge gatherings have stopped. Every few years we all get together. My Dad and a few of the other Dads were sitting around about 10 years ago chatting with me and another girl who was holding her baby. The baby squalked, she pulled down her shirt - fully exposing her breast, and feeding the baby. You could see these Dads just get instanta-awkward! They didn't know where to look or what to do. I will never forget how uncomfortable my Dad was in that situation. I have always politely removed myself from the room when we have company or at someone else's house (including my parents). Am I wrong? I don't think that Halle and I are hurt by leaving. Everyone is more comfortable. Am I opposed to nursing her in a dressing room at a store, nope. It's our secret time together. I like our time alone.