Monday, May 14, 2012

Manic Monday

Today is going to be a busy day! Dance recital season is upon us. Naomi is in 3, yes 3, classes. Which means for picture week that is 3 days of hair and costumes to wear. 3 days of makeup and smiling. 3 days of Daddy coming home early from week to allow me to get to class. Normally I drive the van up to the door, slow down and let her out of the car. Drive home, make dinner for the others, then go back and pick her up. I can't man-handle the rest of the gang to get them in/ out. Keegan really bucks getting in/ out of the car repeatedly. So, this was the schedule that we (I) came up with. Not to mention the normal, play area will be taken up with picture stuff. Also on the agenda today is Miss Halle's 4 month appointment. I am so excited to see how she is progressing! I love baby weight checks. I am not excited about her shots. But, hey that's life in my vaccinated on schedule world! I would rather have one bad day then extend them out over a period of time. I investigated delayed vaccinations with my ped once before he left (he now is a patient advocate at a major insurance company - he is making the world a better place! - but I miss him). I asked him (he is a friend of my parents) what he would do. What does he think about autism and vaccinations? Does he believe that there is a correlation? He said no. Couple that with the research I had done and that was enough for me. I hate to think of giving them shots multiple times. Off that soapbox! Keegan has a little friend stopping over in an hour to swim for an hour before we jet to my Mom's. It is looking like a busy week - not to mention, the return to work is becoming more and more real. Saturday night is swiftly approaching.