Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dial Healthier You - ME? GET OUT OF TOWN!

I am flattered and have to say thank to Dial for selecting me to the Dial Healthier You Program. I have to say I'm flattered. I really have been trying to shift focus the last few months for constantly being everything to everyone and giving a little time to myself and I don't just mean in the potty.

This is that time of year where it is so easy to neglect ourselves. We don't eat the way we should, we don't exercise (okay this one might just be me) the way we should. I know I get lost right now. So, I am thrilled by this opportunity by Dial to make ME, yes ME healthier. Amy Hendel will be guiding me on this taking care of myself adventure. Amy is an author, who has a new book btw, 4 Habits of Healthy Families, wellness coach and so much more.

SO, the week one focus is on nutrition - I'm glad to say I didn't read this one before work last night or I would feel guiltier than I already do for the oh-so-delicious hamburger with grilled onions and french fries I ate last night at midnight. So, what I ate last night is a big no,no (which I knew but mmmm, french fries).

Amy reminded me, that I am what I eat. Ugh, feeling even more guilty. I don't want to be a french fry! So, keep whole foods in my diet and keep processed foods to a minimum. Consider it done Amy! Those aren't really changes for us, thank goodness! But once again it is an excellent time of year to be reminded.

Next Amy shares the 3 aspects of skin care.

1. HYDRATE - we can't emphasize this one enough people! You are over 60% water, give yourself a refill. Your skin and many other parts of your body will say thanks! And don't forget the Omega 3's!

2. Fight the zits! It really does amaze me how one can get wrinkles and zits at the same time (that is really not fair!). So incorporate pumpkin seeds (how appropriately seasonal), zinc, veggie baked beans and garbanzo beans (fire up the white chili!).

3. And the final one - fight the anti-aging. How do you do this?! Say no to the sun with no SPF, and Vitamin E (what has Vit E - tuna and cereals)

And when you go to the store - don't forget to grab your Dial products!

Alright - my lesson is in!!!! thanks again Dial!


Jendi said...

Congrats for being chosen! It is fun isn't it? I searched you out to add you to my list of Healthier You Members.
Have a great day!
I'm off to drink some water. :)