Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The blah blahs

I made chili and cornbread on Sunday. It was good! So good! I posted the recipe for the cornbread on the recipes tab! I'll be trying to update that more.

Thanksgiving is swiftly approaching and I'm sure I'll be menu planning with Mom this week. I missed Thanksgiving last year thank you laboring women! HAHA! :( So, I'm really excited to be there. Yea Turkey day. We celebrate 2 birthdays and do dinner. It's just nice to get us all together. We (my side of the family) live in the same place, we are all just busy!

Cyber Monday. So, I'm not to keen on getting up really early on Friday morning, I prefer to lounge in my pj's with my tea and shop the cyber Monday deals. HOWEVER, I am irritated, I can't find any listings of the cyber Monday deals. ARGH! I'll be searching, I'll post links here as I find them.

Oh and I've been busy making baby presents. Round 2 of the baby wave has begun, this wave almost all girls. So, the sewing machine has been whirring. I'll post some pictures of those items.

I have to say they are pretty cute and I've been tossing around the idea of opening an Etsy store. My hubbie assures me the stuff would sell especially if I went to his work. I'm pondering. I'm also thinking that I will have to have some inventory. I'll probably start working on that as I'm in the sewing mood anyways.

That's the happenings! Catch ya on the flip side.


Debbie's L'Bri said...

What do you like to sew... I have a grand daughter about size 18 months.