Sunday, November 14, 2010

Maybe we are doing something right

Have you ever questioned your ability as a parent. Seriously there was no test - they just let you walk out of the hospital with a baby. Even with big boy - we filled out some forms and had a home study (which meant I frantically cleaned my house for 5 days making sure the closets were organized - just in case) but no true test of parenting.

Earlier this week one of husband's co-workers lost her house in a fire. He knew I was home, so he texted me to tell me. I immediately wanted to know what size clothes her boy was wearing. He was somewhere in between big boy and little boy. He found out and told me.

I went upstairs to little boys closet which is really a storage shed for everything baby and started to go through clothes. Princess walked in the room and asked me what I was doing. I told her I was gathering clothes for a little boy who had lost everything in a fire. She said, "that's so sad Mama" and off she went.

She returns 15 minutes later, her arms brimming with toys. She said Mama you can't just give him boring stuff. She was so right every toy that child had was also lost in the fire.

I told the story to my mother in law who wasn't at all surprised at her grandaughter's generosity and she reminded me that as an adult we only consider the practical. What do I need to make it through the night. My princess was thinking what would I miss most, her toys.

She then asked if we could go and get him some new coloring books and crayons. Of course I said. I was so proud of her. It was there for a fleeting second that I realized that maybe, just maybe we are better at this parenting thing than we thought...


Judy Whatilivefor said...

What a special, sweet experience with your daughter. I am constantly amazed at how much my children teach me.

Thank you for sharing.

KM said...

That is so sweet - what a good job you must be doing as parents! :)
