Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Day After

I hope everyone had a marvelous Thanksgiving! We sure did! It was wonderful. Full of food and fun. The kids were great and the baby only slept through like half of Thanksgiving dinner. (We ate right at nap time). It was nice though because both my husband and I got to enjoy myself. IT was lovely!

Yesterday, husband hung up the Christmas lights and I handled the indoor decor. Our house has Christmas everywhere!

Now, I'm a BIG Scentsy fan. I have to tell your though, I did buy some Better Homes and Gardens Christmas smelling bars at Walmart for $2 and if you can find them, they smell amazing!

Back to the grind for this Mama today. I work tonight and Monday, so I'll be a zombie! LOL!

Please enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend!

Oh and Black Friday - NOPE, I hit a few online sales last night and got a start on a few things, but lots of work to be done!


Cindy said...

Hello! It's your old "best friend" from the basketball tournament. I'm happy to be reading your posts again. Also happy that your Thanksgiving was good.

Do you have tickets to the first round of the NCAA at the BOK? We do. If you go, let's plan to meet.

Lothiriel said...

My Thanksgiving was good. Had lots of food and fun with the fams.

I love scented candles, myself! I can't have many, though, now with the baby moving around and about all over the place!