Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sleepless in Tulsa...

I work nights - I shouldn't say nights - it is truly like one night a week. On the first of October, I cut my hours back again and am only working one night a week. Some months, less. So tell me please why in the world after 2 hours of sleep, I am wide awake?!?! I did work Monday night and had no sleep before my shift and only a four hour nap on Tuesday. I was pretty ready for bed last night. ;)

I really do love to sleep. Tonight, husband's snoring was too much. No amount of shoving or moving was helping. My mind was racing when I woke up. I just laid there and decided, I may as well get up and work on my grocery shopping list for tomorrow morning.

Today is jammed packed! Little boy has a doctor's appointment and I need to get to the store before his appointment because it will be nap-time when we get home. Princess and Big boy have school. After school, we go to tumbling and ballet/tap. Sometime in there I have to run to the fabric store. I also need to run to a children's boutique and the post office. I also have a new baby to see and to drop off a baby gift I made. I don't think Little boy will appreciate our schedule. He usually doesn't. I might save some of the fun for Friday - now I am rereading the to-do list trying to decide what I could procrastinate until Friday.

Friday is girl's day at our house. Little boy and Big boy have school, so it's just a fun day for us girls to hang out.

Hmm - I should probably stop this stream of consciousness and go back to bed....I don't make a lot of sense at 4am...

I hope you all are peacefully dreaming....


Debbie's L'Bri said...

I haven't slept well the last few nights. I hope tonight goes well because I cannot sleep in-- in the morning if I don't get to sleep well.

Jen said...

You WON the $65 Gift Code!!!!!!!
Send me an email and I'll forward the info to you :)