Friday, November 12, 2010

Not your Typical Wednesday

Today wasn't your typical Wednesday. Well, it started off normal, but it wasn't. I got a phone call from my husband. This wonderful woman he works with, lost everything in a house fire today.

My husband works for a fantastic company! They were rallying the troops by 11am. I called him the second I got the message. Her little boy is in between my boys - so I went digging through the clothes boxes. I found some pants, shirts, pj's, sweaters and a coat.

My daughter came downstairs and she was asking me what I was doing. So, I told her about a little boy who lost everything in a fire. I was getting some clothes together for him because he only had the clothes that he was wearing. She said, that's sad and went back upstairs.

She came downstairs a few minutes later. Her arms were overloaded with toys. She looked at me and said, Mommy you can't just give him boring stuff, he needs new toys too! I almost cried. She then told me that we needed to go and get him crayons and some coloring books. So we did. I love that girl and I was so proud of her in that moment.

In that fleeting moment I thought maybe I am doing something right...