Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hello Again...

Today, I was going to reconnect with my blog with a purpose. I was going to have this thought provoking post that was going to explain my absence - where I have been, what I have been doing, why I missed obligations - but nope. I just missed my blog. I missed my outlet, I missed writing and sharing. I missed my bloggie friends. I missed the work that I was doing.

I was a bad, bad blogger. BUT - I'm back! I have a renewed spirit - many things to write about and I look forward to reconnecting and sharing. I apologize for my absence. I'm coming back with blogger guilt for letting my readers down (the giveaways that I never finished etc.). To you, I'm sorry. I hope that you'll forgive me. Sometimes there just weren't enough hours in a day to get everything accomplished.

I'm listing to blah blah on the View. I really can't stand this show. I need to get up and change the channel.

I also smell a stink coming from the baby - I better fix that before it becomes a larger issue....Ugh. I'm pretty sure I have a few loads of laundry that need to be done...

oh yeah, the poopy baby just walked by....

I'm glad to be back, I'll hope you'll forgive me, I missed you all....