Friday, February 5, 2010


Man - I'm glad to say TGIF!

Note to self - link up (very) late to the FF!

My blog has been stale this week. I haven't really visited nor has anyone else.

The poop hit the fan though - literally -

The septic tank went bonkers (again) - it did this once before (keep in mind we have only been in the house for 10 months). Lucky for us - the city sewer is ready - so we are in the bid war right now. FUN FUN! I know your are jealous.

The baby is slowly, very slowly getting better. Thank goodness!

Aaaaahhhhhhhhh - but the food around here has been great (if I do say so myself).

Homemade spaghetti sauce - YUM!!! Well - semihomemade - if I have to be honest.

That was 2 nights of pure delicious.

Wednesday, I made this dinner that was called Sooner Stew (husband didn't like that name - he renamed it) - that was great and super easy to make if you need a quick hearty dinner.

Last night it was Pork Chop with a brown gravy with onions and apples. I served it with mashed potatoes.

Tonight - homemade hamburgers with lettuce & tomato. The kids had mac and cheese - we (I) had salad.

WOW - what a great good eats week....