Sunday, February 21, 2010

Getting To Know You Sunday!

A big Thank You to Keely at Mann Land 5 for hosting this link up...SO FUN!

The questions..

1. How often do you wash/change your sheets?
2. When is your birthday?
3. Have you ever met a bloggy friend in real life?
4. Brad Pitt or George Clooney?
5. If you could change one thing about your body what would it be?
6. How often do you wash your hair?
7. Do you have pets?
8. How many social networks do you belong to..if you had to give up one, what would it be?

1. My sheets - well, I wash them every week @ least! Sometimes twice. Don't ask about my kids (well the baby you could, but not the older two - I can't believe I'm even saying that - shudder, guess I'll be washing the kids sheets today since I've been shamed into it) LOL!

2. 7/6/77 - can you believe my mom was induced?!?!?! Really Mom? My birthday could have been 7/7/77

3. Yes, well, a Wedding Channel friend many years ago! So fun! We had a blast that weekend.

4. Neither! Ick! I know I'm weird, but Brad is a cheater and doesn't shower very much. And George - well, he has a LOT of ladies!

5. The fat...does that count!? Can I somehow have all the fat suctioned off - especially the c-section belly....

6. Daily! So bad for my hair.

7. Not including my hubbie and kids - yes, 3 furry animals. 2 cats my husband and I got when we were dating (Fredo and Chief - they are both 14 now) and Zeke, our dog, he is 3.

8. Too many - definitely myspace. It might already be gone if they cancel for inactivity!

Thanks again Keely - I love getting to know you Sundays!


Momof3inVA said...

I think you would have had amazing luck if 7/7/77 would have been your b-day! ;)

I would go for a full fat suction, too! If that's an option. ;)

5 dudes, a diva and total chaos said...

I'm totally with you girls on the fat sucking!! Wouldn't we all like a little of that??

Keely said...

Couldn't your mom have waited ;-)

We both have July birthday's..I was born in 78.

Thanks for playin!

HD said...

I feel the same way about Myspace.
I'm watching The Mexican right now and having cute Brad flashbacks...once upon a time he was sexy.

Bellismom said...

You comment on my blog made me LOL big time! Isn't that hangy skin stuff awful! It's like I can lose all the weight I want to and that skin flap is still going to be there. ugh!

Mrs. Mama said...

SO excited that you found my blog. It's always fun reading up on fellow RNs and the crazy stories that we have to share.

I agree with you about the hair... the bathroom is the first room I go into as soon as I step into my house. And I don't come out until every ounce of me is scrubbed off! Sigh... the life we live :)

Look forward to reading more.

The Single Mothers Chronicles said...

Hi there,
Haha! I always wanted to be taller because I could weigh more without being fat and thus eat more ice cream! Have wanted that since college - I swear!
And I've met 1 bloggy pal - it was a lot of fun too.

Lothiriel said...

WOW, that would have been cool--7/7/77!

I'm with ya on the Brad Pitt or Clooney--NEITHER for me as well!

Shannon K. said...

My brother is July 7th. Not '77 though ;)

I have a c-section belly. The scar has made a little pouch above it that didn't used to be there. Ugh.

Rachel @RunningRachel said...

I am with you on the c-section belly. I find that losing that extra pudge is SO challenging!!

Katrina said...

Congrats on your awards!!

Still making rounds from Friday Follow. :)

More than a Mom said...

Looks like I'm there with ya on the kids' sheets. Uh, time to go do laundry. :)