Saturday, April 10, 2010

Oh to be witty....

First of all welcome to my new friends and my old friends!

I've been bouncing around the blogsphere partying with UBP10. The party is continuing to rock on! I've met some wonderful bloggers. I've also read some hilarious blogs. I'm green with envy. I wish I could be witty. I'll even take snarky (haha! read that on a blog last night).

The queen vs The Babysitter

I promised I would expound upon this discovery. On Thursday night we had a 2 sitter split. I'll explain. We had the sweetest, southern girl come babysit. Her accent was just so cute I could have bottled it up and sold it. She was so sweet (granted she complemented everything from my makeup to my shoes - who doesn't love that?!?!). Anyways - she came to babysit the younger two. The older was with a different babysitter because he was going to a birthday party. The sitter taking our older boy I've known forever and trust her to drive the little man around.

Sooooo, apparently in my excitement to rush out the door for a date - I forgot to sign the check for our son's babysitter. Ooops! Well, she dropped him off when she did, she caught the princess in a moment. She was standing at the top of the stairs in her pull-up declaring in a loud-crying- pitching-fit sort of way that she was not going to change into her pj's. Meanwhile the baby apparently was voicing his dismay also (granted I think that I set the babysitter up for disaster as the baby didn't take a nap). I was shopping I needed a dress. LOL! Okay, back to the story. Well sweet babysitter asks the other babysitter if she has ever sat for our kids before (Thank the Lord she has). She set that hot mess straight in a hot second. She took princess and quickly showed her who was boss - got her in her pj's and put her in bed. She told sweet sitter to go and read her a story. While our usual sitter got the baby changed and in bed.

Of course I don't know any of this until later. I can never figure out why sitter's hot tail it out of my house. I know it isn't my oldest - most sitters are lucky if he gets one word out the entire time they have him. It is clear - the princess is acting like a princess. sigh ~ the baby is just a baby and I refuse to blame him for being cranky (since I am blaming myself).

Needless to say - we have another night out tonight - a wedding!!! Who doesn't love a good wedding!? This one will be so much fun! Not that all weddings aren't fun - but I love this Bride, I love the Groom. It will be full of friends - sigh. Good times. I can't wait.

Even better the sitter is my mom!!! YEA!! She is keeping my 3 angels with broken halos overnight - so sweet of her - THANKS MOM!!!!

Now - back to the party....


Cassie said...

I am already a follower of yours but I just wanted to stop by and say hey! Happy Partying!

Opus #6 said...

Good babysitters are a treasure. Too bad they get older and grow up, too. I've lost more good sitters that way. Imagine, the 14-y-o girl who sat for my 21-y-o daughter 20 years ago is now 34 years old 8-0

Rachel Cotterill said...

I hope you have a great time at the wedding! It sounds like it will be lovely.

Visiting to welcome you to SITS :)

Karla Cook @ Roads to Everywhere said...

Thanks for stopping by for the UBP... and for following my blog! I posted another giveaway today, if you're interested!

Theodora Ofosuhima said...

Thanks for stopping by from UBP. I am your new follower.

cynthia - said...

Thanks for finding me on the UBP10 party! This has been a hoot and I've met great people and seen super blogs like yours!. I have three kids, too but they are now the babysitters. New problems at this age but our kids are still totally delicious!
Thanks for connecting. Subscribe to for daily updates - love to have you join in! In a few months we start our KIDS section!

Charlene Canfield said...

I didn't want to leave a comment on the tomatoe thing.. but my blog sent one person so far!

Debbie's L'Bri said...

You have a sweet mom... It was great talking to you today. I hope the wedding was fun.

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

You are one of the winners at my place...Send me your information to


Charlene Canfield said...

Well, I guess I didn't win, but I enjoyed checking it out everyday!