Friday, April 23, 2010

L'Bri Review

Skin care - what an issue. I am really lucky. My whole life, I've been blessed with pretty good skin. As I have gotten older, I've really tried to be good to my skin. I've used what I thought were really good products. I couldn't really speak to whether or not those products were natural.

I'd like to thank Debbie for giving me the opportunity to sample her product, L'Bri.

Let me start with a little product information:

L'Bri is an all natural product line. The products are aloe vera-based. The products are manufactured here in the United States, Wisconsin in fact. I had a lovely conversation with Debbie on the phone and she told me that we could have an opportunity to tour the plant in Mukwonago, WI. (my in-laws live in WI -so I'm up that way at least once a year!). What a fun idea to see the manufacturing plant where they make the products I put on my face. Clinque has never offered to bring me to the plant :)

I tried the Cleanser, Freshner, and the Moisturizer. I have to say that in a few days my face felt amazing! My husband who never notices when I color my hair noticed I had changed products for my face. He noted that my face was softer! WHO DOESN'T LOVE THAT?!?! I also was given a sample masque but haven't gotten there yet.

So go to Debbie's website and check out her L'Bri products. They are fantastic!

Debbie's L'Bri Website

and don't forget to check out her blog - Debbie's Blog

I received product samples for review but no other compensation was received. The opinions expressed here are strictly my own.


Debbie said...

Softer skin? That would be great! Thanks:)

Cascia Talbert said...

I've never heard of these before, but it sounds interesting. I would love to have softer skin too, who wouldn't? Have a wonderful day!