Saturday, April 3, 2010

WHAT A WEEK! (Is it me or do I say that every week?)

The weather here has been absolutely amazing. This is why I love living in Oklahoma - so it's been a little windy, I'll take windy over cold. Best part - this weather looks like it is going to make it thru the weekend.

AAAAHHHH!!! I have discovered that I need to replace 4 sprinkler heads - hmmm. I looked it up on e-how and it sounds somewhat doable. LOL! We shall see.

The baby has become mobile (finally!). Crawling - yea!!!! I know that sounds bad, most mommies want their babies to stay babies forever and I would BUT, he was getting really frustrated. He was on all 4's rocking and rocking - for weeks.

I'm so excited for a wedding next week - date night! My mom is taking the kids (all 3 - God Bless her!). The reception is at the same location as my reception (8.5 years ago). So we are excited. It is just a busy time for us.....

Hope all of you are doing well.


Judy Whatilivefor said...

We live in OK too and I'm not so sure about the wind. It's driving me nuts!

Kitty Deschanel said...

Happy Easter to you & your family! That news about your babysitter is so exciting! :)

Lamb’s Most Recent Post: Beware of (CUTE) Identity Theft this Easter