Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Company Invaded....

What a wonderful, wonderful weekend! My baby finally got Baptized! WHEW! What a weight off my shoulders - at least he wasn't the oldest child there! In fact, he was one of the youngest. That being said we had a large party! I've always had a get together after the Baptisms of my other children - but never on this scale. We had THIRTY-TWO, yes THIRTY-TWO people at the house. I don't know what happened - I just kept inviting people. Most of them were family (I love having our families get together). I know I am lucky that my family and my hub's family not only get along but like to spend time together. Then I invited the neighbor's. Always good to make friends with the neighbors. Then I added my daughter's best friend and her mom and my son's best friend and his parents. It was a good crowd! So fun - lots of food and cake and good company!

I almost can't wait to do it all again.


Blogs said...

Awwww! It's always nice when family gets together for those special moments in our kids lives:)

Debbie's L'Bri said...

You now have another child of God. How wonderful...