Sunday, January 10, 2010

My Excuses....

What a week!!!! The weather was cold – for Oklahoma. So cold in fact, that school officials cancelled school on Thursday and Friday. Friday, I could care less. BUT NOT THURSDAY!!! I have my whole work week planned around the kids being at school on Thursday. I have the older two off and the baby and I are at home. I work Wednesday nights, so it is imperative that I sleep with the baby. So, needless to say when hubbie came home from work, I was exhausted. (And Bi**hy. – Hubbie Ed.) This was awful, I was so tired I couldn’t sleep. Sigh. I slept maybe 8 hours between Wednesday day and Friday morning.

Move into Friday – we were busy. Dog had to go to the vet. Nothing like wrangling the kids, the dog, and the baby carrier – not to mention purse and diaper bag into the vet office. It was 10 steps but it felt like 10 miles. Then I had to bring the dog home, and drop the boys off at my mom’s house. The girl had a dr’s appointment. Lucky for me, mom wasn’t busy. Then it was off to the store. Cause why not?!?!

By the time we got home again, I was exhausted. My kiddos had spent more time outside the two days they were home then they would have if they had been to school. Friday night I was on call for work and sure enough I got called in. So I worked about 4 hours on Friday night. It was good – busy but good. I needed to go to Wal-mart on my way home for the girl’s birthday party the next day.

It was nuts – of all the weeks, the husband had signed up to take some class to help low-income folks do their taxes ( I’m not saying he shouldn’t help – but really, this was the last weekend and he waited until the last weekend to go). (Never do today what you can leave until tomorrow – H Ed.)

So, the husband was gone. The girl was dressed for ballet, princess dress in the backpack, and birthday gift in tow – she was gone. All I had left was the boys and an extremely messy house and a ton of laundry. By the time the missing links were home, I had almost everything done. The house was clean (relatively) and the laundry was done (sorta).

Now, all that I had neglected was you, my poor little blog. Have no fear! I’m back! The weather is supposed to be warmer next week (so the kiddos will be at school). I don’t have a call shift – I plan on getting sleep ( I’m considering some sort of sleep aide). So, I will hopefully be a happy mommy again…..


BNM said...

Hope next week isn't so hectic for you. Thank you for stopping by my blog, and I am now a follower as well. Have a great week!

Simply Mel said...

Good excuse! You are a busy mama. Hope things will settle down for awhile. Glad to have you back! :)

Tenille said...

Ack, no kidding what a week! Hope next week is better hun!

alpinekleins said...

I'm so impressed - I really need to get my house clean . . . but that would require TOTALLY ignoring the blog for a very long period of time - giggle - not sure I can make the sacrifice :)


Krissy said...

O my...and I thought my week had been busy! Good for you for getting it all you should definitely get in some sleep and some mommy time! good luck!

Ghada said...

what a week indeed. I know people say not to make excuses, but at times I do think that us mamas have the right to moan - that was some week you had. Hope you get some more rest :)