Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday, Monday can't trust that day....

We are huge, huge Packer Fans. My hubbie is the son of season ticket holders from WI. He went to so many games when he was a boy. Now we live in the land of far, far away from Lambeau. Not that being in Green Bay would matter now.

Instead, I had a husband who was screaming at the TV – the older kiddos were banished upstairs. Every time my hubbie screamed, the baby cried ( did I mention that he has tears now?). His poor little face had red spots on it from crying so much. Poor little fella. The baby not my husband.

Then the Packers lost. So sad. Maybe next year. They fought hard.

Which brings me to Monday……

Can’t trust Mondays.

Husband and I have a meeting with the pediatrician this morning. We are both worried. We don’t want to go to this meeting. Have you ever had a feeling of dread? We started the process to have the almost 6 yr tested for ADHD and other learning disabilities based on a teacher evaluation. We were sent home this checklist of “symptoms” and we could put a check by almost every single one of them. Sigh. We just don’t want the little guy to get behind (which he is).

I know we are blessed, all of our children are physically healthy. The little buckaroo is falling behind in his class. I tried to teach him myself, but he gets so frustrated and angry that it isn’t worth the torture for either of us. It stinks I go into class to volunteer and all the kids tell me that my sweet boy is a trouble maker.

So, needless to say, I am getting ready to pack him off on the school bus, get the baby and the 4 yr old up, fed, dressed, etc, etc. Then drop them off to my mom’s, go to the dreaded meeting (shudder), pick the younger two up. Sigh – home to get the dog, drop him off at the groomers (he smells), try to take a nap, and go to work tonight.

If I have time, I have some laundry that needs to be done.


Jonnie (JB) said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hi. I hope your day goes better than expected!


The Halton Mom said...

Thanks for the follow! Gorgeous blog you have here. I'm following you now. So where we going? ;) Have a great day!

Krissy said...

Hope everything went well at the doctors. I know its tough but hopefully with some idea of whats going on with your little guy you can better help him succeed! Good luck and have a healthy, happy year!

CynthiaK said...

Hopefully the meeting with the doc was helpful and not upsetting. It's so tough when kids are dealing with things that we can't quite figure out.

And, very sorry about those Packers. There are some GBP fans in this family, too, and the last game was a tough one to watch...

Anonymous said...

It will all get better - but I hear you.

Do something nice for yourself today if you can.