Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ballet Slipper Bandit

We have a thief in our house. The thief takes all kinds of things but on Saturday mornings, this little jerk is notorious for stealing ballet slippers.

I’ve coined him the ballet slipper bandit. I would be lying if I said I had been able to find the slippers in the last two weeks (because I have not). I have ripped the house apart – alas, no ballet slippers.

My husband hears me roar, run around, and tear apart the house I so diligently cleaned on Friday. (You would think I would learn to look for the darn slippers on Friday – negative ghostrider – that would be too easy). He has learned to stay away, wrapped cozy in a comforter safe from the crazy woman he married.

What’s worse is I’m a loser – well, not a real loser (I don’t know maybe I am a real loser) but a loser of things. Keys, purse, shoes, pens, phone (ALWAYS THE PHONE) if I need it, I lose it. My father-in-law jokes that it isn’t a visit with me until I have lost something super important and am frantically looking for two minutes before we walk out the door.

Did you know that this is a genetic trait? My daughter has inherited my ability to lose things. The two of us together are an awful pain for the boys who live with us.

I have tried to solve the problem. I put things “away”. It’s a mystical, magical place called away, I never know where it is later. Sigh.



Lynn said...

Hello! From Friday Follow.
I am a Cancer.
My daughter is an RN.
We lived in Tulsa for a short while.

Ali said...

linked up by ff
we had a sock stealer for a while....

B-Dub said...

Thanks for stopping by!

I too have a knack for being a loser. Unfortunately my hubby is WORSE. Compound that with his 4:30 wake up time (which turns into my wake up time to help him find whatever)and you get two grumpy tired losers. joy

Shannon K. said...

We are plagued by various thiefs as well.

Funny...I always say "negative ghostrider!"

Kelly Berkey said...

Hi! Thanks for visiting me! I'm a Friday Follower! Love your blog, so much fun to read!

Dr. Patrice Smith said...

hahaha happens to the best of us, and u know wat? We see these things ALL the time but until we are ready for them, they are nowhere to be found. It's very weird.

**Linked up through follow friday

Lisa Noel said...

I'm not a loser, but my husband is and so are my kids. Makes me crazy when we can't find one shoe are are trying to get out the door.
My husband just found his key to my van after a good six months of it being lost

*Katy* said...

Thanks for stopping by on Friday to follow. We're following now too :)

And we have a hairband thief living in our house.

Felissa Hadas said...

Stopping by to follow back from MBC and Friday Follow. Thanks for stopping by.

PeasOut said...

Following from the Product Review Place!

PeasOut said...

There is an "away" at our hohuse too ;)

thecrunchywife said...

hahaha this is hilarious..I am just like you, I lose everything!

Anyway, just wanted to stop by and say hi! Thanks so much for commenting on my blog..I'm following you now, too :)


Ginny said...

I have 2 dancers & I know so well the missing ballet slippers. SO FRUSTRATING. I'm a loser as well, lol. I lose everything, so does my husband. My girls have no chance, lol.

I know what you are saying about your FIL because my mom, my dad & my husbands parents have all made similar comments to both of us :)

Stopping by from Follow Friday

Anonymous said...

It's a sign of greatness - to lose things. Welcome to the club! LOL. However, there is nothing more stressful than losing something you need. It's like torture. Last Thursday, I couldn't find the Brad Paisley tickets Santa brought the two teenagers. And they needed them on Thursday! Thankfully, the teenagers are not destined for greatness - they found them - LOL

Jen said...

Stopping by from Friday Follow, great blog.

I leave my daughters ballet bag in the truck, each week we know exactly where her shoes are.

I am now a follower of your blog.