Friday, August 12, 2011

Is this the moment?

So, Keegan just turned two. The kids have broken the drop down side of the crib. I have rigged it for now. He makes no effort to leave the crib. He very happily lets me or Chris put him in the crib at night and waits patiently for us in the morning.

My other two kids were out of the crib by the time they were his age. Early I know, but I had a climber and I had a new baby. So, we had to make the move.

My heart says leave the "baby" in the crib as long as he will tolerate being there. Chris is starting to nag me about getting him out of the crib.

I guess it's time to dust off the bed rails and at least move them towards the bed (it is already set up in the room in my defense).

It just really makes me sad that the "baby" is growing up :(


Judy Whatilivefor said...

I say leave him in the crib as long as possible...make Mom's life easier (especially if he sleeps in there during nap time!). The only reason we switched our youngest was because we were given a toddler bed and didn't have room to leave the crib out.