Saturday, August 13, 2011

THE BEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!

called football.......

Trey started playing football. This is his first year and I have mini Friday Night Lights happening in my head.

This is so intense. Our lifetime of football started with a combine...for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders. The parents stood and watched as tons of coaches with clipboards walked around and either wrote your boy's name down or scratched them off the list based purely on performance.

That was 2 nights. If I had known how serious this was going to be, I wouldn't have sent him to summer camp the days that he had the combine.

I've watched the "real" combine on NFL network, well, all of their mini-me's were out running drills during the last week of July here in heat-wave ravaged football country.

Then on the following Sunday there was a draft. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? These are kids not fantasy football players!!! So, I sat and sweat all day Sunday waiting word from his new coach. Then there is always the question - was he drafted or was he put on a team based purely on a hat pick (That's what happens if you don't get drafted).

I still don't know the answer to that question. He is on a football team. My sweet boy LOVES it! He liked basketball, tolerated baseball (cause Daddy was the coach), but adores it. Wakes up talking football.

He is in the right place. Did I mention that the highschool coach comes and runs the combine?! I read an article in the paper that discussed this scenario. The head highschool coach comes because these are his future players. He likes to make sure that the camps, coaches, and players understand the game and WANT the game.

We are HUGE football fans in our house. So, we are excited. Today I had to potentially turn down OU football tickets until I know our son's football schedule. When I was doing it, I was sitting there thinking, are you kidding me?!?! This is OU football that I am turning down. Seriously???

Oh and did I mention that pretty, pretty princess is taking a cheerleading class this year to prepare (??) her for first grade cheer camp?

Oh Dear Lord, the next 15 years are going to be tough.