Thursday, December 30, 2010

Whew! With Star sightings!

What a week! We went north for the Christmas holiday. It was really nice to have a white Christmas.

We did quite a few of the "S"'s. Skiing, sledding, skating, swimming were all on the agenda. The kids had a ball.

Day One - we ice skated and went sledding in the backyard! The kids had never been and they lasted all of an hour before their feet hurt. My poor husband couldn't skate because they didn't have his gigantic shoe size. That night we had a birthday party for princess and my husband's sister. It was a ball.

Day Two - Christmas Eve- it was also super fun. We went sledding on this HUGE sledding hill in Sheboygan, WI. It was so fun - the kid's had so much fun (except for walking up the hill). At this point husband and I had decided that baby boy's ear infection was back. (He was miserable on the plane - we thought it was just his ears popping - but no). So after numerous phone calls to our ped in Tulsa, we had a prescription called in (not by our ped) to a pharmacy in WI. It saved us the hassle of the urgent care - which is where our ped wanted us to spend Christmas eve. UGH! Then we had a lovely Christmas dinner - my husband's sister and her husband and kiddos were off on Christmas morning. Well sort of....

Day Three - Christmas - it was a lazy day around the house. My poor husband's sister ended up sick - so her family left and she stayed in bed, all day. It was bad you just felt awful for her.

Day Four - PACKER DAY!!! We got to see the Packer game! It was AWESOME! They won and it was good. I also got to see Joe Jonas and Ashley Greene at the game. They were literally next to us for at least a quarter or two. I did sneak a picture of them for my nieces.

Day Five - Princess's Birthday! we were up early and it was off to the ski hill. We went to Granite Peak. The skiing was great. I haven't skied in 10 years so it was nice to have some easy hills. I swear I am the worst, slowest skier ever! The kids also strapped on their skis. Big boy was amazing - he was whizzing down the hill in a few hours. Princess wasn't as good, but she is like me, cautious! Husband dragged her down the hill between his legs a couple of times.

Day five was long because after we left the ski hill, we went to our hotel (where baby boy had been with his papa all day!). Our hotel had a waterpark in it - talk about extremes! We changed into our swimsuits and played in the waterpark. It was back to our room for pizza and presents for princess.

Day 6 we spent almost all day at the waterpark. It was fun. Then it was the drive back to Sheboygan. Then we had dinner and did a few loads of laundry and hunted and gathered all of our stuff.

Day 7 we packed and spent the morning with G-ma and Papa. It was a nice relaxing morning. In the afternoon we headed off to the airport and began the long, uneventful trip home.

Today was totally a recoup day. Laundry, cleaning, and organizing Princess's room and baby boy's room for the new loot they have acquired. Tonight Santa is making a special stop at our house!

Husband has tomorrow off, so it worked out well. I work tomorrow night - I LOVE WORKING NEW YEARS EVE! Then it is off to my folks house on Saturday for Christmas #3 (after I hopefully get a little nap)! The kids are really excited about the all the extra Christmas's this year. HAHA! We had to do this you can't fly all these presents up north and we weren't going to ship.

I hope that you and your loved ones had a wonderful Christmas too!


Debbie's L'Bri said...

Christmas in WI was really pretty this year. Just enough snow to have fun, but not dangerous driving. Happy you had fun. So did we.