Thursday, December 9, 2010

The bug is back...

It seems like just yesterday we were fighting a stomach bug. As of yesterday, we were at it again. My stomach is in knots. The good news - it is just husband, me and the baby that are sick. So the older two, knock on wood, as of this moment are fine. HURRAH!!!

It's amazing how awful a Mom can feel but still has to get up and make breakfast (shudder) and clean up baby sick (bigger shudder). Yesterday was quite honestly the longest day ever. Husband of course had to work late (ugh) and this morning while he is sick in bed, I'm making waffles (frozen) and lunches - I would love to still be in bed - stomach is still in knots.

So, this all you will hear from me as I attempt to get better before the weekend... :(


Cindy said...

Sorry you have the sickness. That's why Moms are heroines, no matter how sick they are they still take care of their families. Get better soon!