Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Bunny Pics and Birthday Parties.

WHEW what a weekend! It was a busy one. I had a way fun Bachelorette Party on Friday night. Then it was a typcial Saturday - ballet. I had to run a few errands. I worked Saturday night (blech), but it ended up being a nice night. I was exhausted as my Saturday plans didn't include a nap. I'm just too busy!!! On Sunday, we had one of my most favorite things ever. WE HAD BUNNY PICS (including real, live bunnies!). Those poor bunnies....oh even the baby got his grubby, sweet hands on them. They tolerated it all really well. At one point of the bunnies nipped my eldest and I had to laugh, the bunnies name was Charlie - I just kept saying, "Charlie bit me, that really hurt Charlie...". I was laughing. My son - not so much.

Then it was my Dad's bday party. My mom is such a fantastic cook - the diet was out the door between the salad, the roast beef (which melted like butter in your mouth) to the 3, yes 3 desserts! Ahhhhhh, it was good. It was nice to catch up and laugh.....good times.

Then it was back to Monday - sigh. If only bdays and bunnies were every weekend.


Unknown said...

I am laughing so hard about Charlie...hehe!

And that dinner sounds amazing--YUM!


x said...

Ohh, that sounds like such a fun weekend. No details about the bachelorette party???

Danielle said...

Bachlorette parties are always fun!!! LMBO @ The Charlie thing. I could watch that video every single day and still crack up.

B-Dub said...

OMG I sooo thought I was the only person out there who knew about "Charley bit me" which is even funnier cause my hubs is named Charley!

Joey Lynn Resciniti said...

That sounds like a really cute photo op and a great time for the kids to be with real bunnies!