Sunday, June 5, 2011

Winds of Change

Spring turned very busy! I'm not quite certain where it all went. The baby is running and talking. I look back over the last year of his life and am floored. So much happens with a baby during the first year. I know baby's change a lot physically during the first year of life, but they learn so many new tricks during the second year of life.

He says sentences. He is a funny guy, he loves to make us all laugh. He is all boy, he loves to run 500 mph!

Two days ago, he went in the pool for the first time this season. HE is a water baby! He loves to swim and jump off the side (with me holding his hands wearing his unsinkable suit). He has these gorgeous blue eyes and rosy pink cheeks.

We are still struggling with his asthma. We are finally going to see an allergist to see if we can pinpoint the root cause.

It was funny because I was talking to the older two kiddos about the baby and the dog. What if the dog is the root cause of our baby's breathing trouble. As a Mom I will be wrecked with guilt and we will have to get rid of the dog. So, I was discussing this, I said well if the baby is allergic we will have to give Zeke away. Well, big boy looked and me and said, Man, I was just starting to like that kid, I'll miss him. It was the funniest thing. I had to explain we keep your brother we get rid of the dog.

I love my family so very much!