Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The new gig

I'm still working in Labor and Delivery. I love it, I really, really do. It is such a miracle job everyday you watch miracles happen. The only problem, the hours suck! When you have kids working 12's overnight or during the day are awful.

So, I cut back and only work 32 hours a month. I love to work on my days! There was a period that I had to work weekends and that sucked! Why only weekends? Let me explain.

I stumbled across another opportunity that was perfect! I work at a local elementary school for 4 hours a day. It was ideal. I had to find a babysitter for the baby 3 days a week. The pay is pretty good. I make a little more than I would at the hospital. I work enough to keep me busy and I love working with the kids.

The kids are so fun. My kids (all 1900 of them) have run into me in various places. At the library, grocery store, my daughter's dance recital, I see my kids, my real kids are starting to get a little jealous!

I did get roped into summer school though. It is not as much fun as regular school. They are not coming to see me. Instead of 30 regulars, I have one. The time is passing slowly. So, I have spent a great part of my day reading. I have read some great books.

I started reading all of these Amish books. They are awesome. I read 3 of them in 2 days. My husband loves when I am on a reading kick. He can watch whatever he wants on TV.

Anyways, back to the school. I am a little nervous though. There was no promise that I would be brought back in the fall, darn budgets! So, I am nervously waiting until July when I will find out my fate for the fall.

I'm praying - this has been working great for us! Oh and did I mention that most of the time, I will get my summers off?


Unknown said...

Your new job sounds great! Enjoy getting paid to read! That sounds wonderful!