Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sometimes I'm a Little Bit Crazy....

For those of you that know me - you know that I can/ am a little bit crazy.

This is my confession. I've been really mean. I wouldn't turn the air on. The nights were cool and the temperature of the house cooled down, with fans and open windows it was really 'comfortable' in the house.

Not to my poor hubbie. The rest of us seemed alright.

The other night I worked all night long. I came home, the baby was awake upstairs I go - he is laying in his crib with just a diaper on - sweating. I figured he was just like his Dad.

Onto the other 2 kids - it was time to get up. I've got the little girl sweating in her pull up and the boy sweating in his underoos. GROSS! What's wrong with the kids?!?! And why on Earth did my husband let EVERYONE sleep without pj's?!?

So, pushing that to the back burner it's off to the kitchen to make breakfast, when I realize that I am sweating to death. DANG! We must all be getting sick or something.

Just for the sake of my sanity, I thought I'll check the thermostat. Holy Hotness Batman - it was 82 degrees at 7:15am! No wonder we were all sweating to death. I felt a little bit more sane. The older kiddos escaped - it was just a sweaty mama and a sweaty baby who insisted on being held. UGH!

It only took until 2:30 pm on a 90 degree day to get the ac working. But by then the chance for sleep had passed me by. So sad was I....


Unknown said...

Yeah, we tried that, too...until it was in the 80's in our house! So miserable right?!

And I could just see all of the kids sweating in diapers and pull ups...ha!

Mommie Daze said...

Oh, boy. I guess we're wimps. We turn the A/C on when it gets above 72 in the house. Hubs has allergies so we can't open the windows. Thankfully our house isn't that big, so it doesn't cost much to cool it.

Debbie's L'Bri said...

We do the same thing. Tuesday night the humidity got to 77% and the temp was in the 90's. We finally turned on the a/c. My kids don't mind the heat and neither do I, but the humidity is what through me over the edge.