Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I'm in a hurry to get things done...

I rush and rush until life's no fun....

That's right, I was rushing. And what happened, I ran the mini van into my Mom's parked car in my driveway. What a crappy call to the insurance company. I did a great job - AWESOME!

Now, I have to file a claim and lose the van for a few days while it gets fixed. I need to look at our policy and see if that covers a rental. Chris's car won't cut it.

I am so mad at myself for rushing and not being careful. I am so mad at myself that when I called Chris to tell him, he couldn't even get mad (I love that man of mine) - he was too busy trying to make me not be so mad at myself.

Pure negligence on my part - so mad at myself. I've ruined my day and it's only 11am. Today is my day of the week where it doesn't end either (I work tonight).

I am going to stare at my van some more and wait for the 10 million phone calls I'll have to field since I'm an idiot.