Thursday, August 30, 2012

Giving Praise to our military Moms!

Not only do you give your husbands or boyfriends to us to serve and protect, you hold down the fort at home.

Chris went out of town this week and I thought I was going to go crazy! First of all he left Monday after work, guess who worked from 11p-7a on Monday/ Tuesday - this girl. So I had to find a babysitter. Let me tell you, not very many people want to come to your house and get paid to wake up in the middle of the night to feed a baby that should be sleeping thru the night.

Then I had to rush home because our babysitter had to get to her real job on time. Of course that was one of the days that I was running late. ACK!

Then, kids off to the bus stop, Keegan off to school.

Then it was just Halle and I.

This is when I teach you that tech is not always a good thing.

My Dad is a tech guy. He has security cameras set up outside his house. Well, he sends me an email (as does my Mom and my sister) to tell me to run by the house and get a package. So, after being up for 26 hours, I drive to the other side of town to retrieve this package. I get to the house, let myself in and go to the front door. Grab the two phone books and then search for this package. It's nowhere to be found.

I email. Grabbed the phone book, don't see any packages.

Well, apparently on the security camera the packages was really a phone book. ARGH! I drove to the other side of town exhausted for phone books?!?!?

So, I went to bed for a few minutes and woke up late. Which if I was at my house wouldn't have been a big deal but I wasn't - so I was late. 2nd day of preschool and I am late. AWESOME!

Then it was homework, snack, pick up from cheer, drop off at football, home dinner, pick up from football.

I am exhausted. So kudos to you Moms that do this alone all the time! I am WORN out! Come home husband, I miss you!