Sunday, November 27, 2011

Interesting Topic

I'm in a little group for Mommy's that are due in January. It's fun, it's a great place to go for friendship and support.

Today an interesting question was asked - who is the priority - your kids or your husband.

Tough question right?

I thought about it. Long and hard. While it may seem that my priority is my children, I believe that everything that I do for my kids, around my house, is all for my husband. I want him to come home to happy children, a clean house, dinner on the table. He works hard everyday to support us at home. My only job is too make sure that the home front is taken care of.

We talk a lot about life B.K. (before kids) and love to dream about our A.K. life (after kids). We tell the kids stories about our adventures before they were born. We also talk to them about the adventures that we will have when they are grown with their own families.

I/ we feel that it is so important to nurture ourselves. If we don't make ourselves a priority what we will have when the kids are gone? I won't say that we don't prioritize our children, but I do think that we put ourselves first. How can we take care of them if we don't take care of each other.

It's kinda like the O2 mask on the airplane. How you can help your kid if your are unconscious? I don't know if I am foolish in thinking that or not. I want my children to feel love in our home. I don't think that they feel neglected, they aren't.

We don't take lavish vacations just the 2 of us, we don't have date nights every week, we rarely get out by ourselves. I think that he is my center though. Without him I am off kilter which would make the whole world spin out of control.

I don't know who is right here....I may be wrong......who knows.


Unknown said...

Blog hoping today thanks to MBC come see me at