Sunday, November 27, 2011

Gobble Gobble Day

This year Gobble Gobble day was amazing! It was perfect! Surrounded by the love of family. Dinner was amazing. Teamwork was definitely the name of the game. The kids this year were incredibly easy. There was no chasing. It was fun watching their older cousins play babysitter and help us enjoy an easy night. At one point Chris and I looked at each other and realized that this will not happen again for at least 2 years. Next year we will have another baby at the holidays.

On Friday, there was no black Friday shopping for this Mom. I was busy at home. Making our 2nd Thanksgiving dinner. This one is a little smaller. It's just our immediate family + Chris's cousin. It was also lovely.

Saturday, we (Chris and I) drove to Norman for the OU game - BOOMER! IT was FREEZING! Granted we weren't really dressed for the freezing cold, rain, and blustering winds. I only lasted until half-time and my back was killing me and I couldn't feel my toes. Lucky for me, Chris was a sport and took me home.

Hopefully today at some point we will get the Christmas decorations up. I hope. We will see. I've spent the day with the kids "helping" them clean up the upstairs.

I pray it stays that way until Tuesday morning.