Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Oh, I've heard stories about that happening to people.....

My Thank You.....

I'm one of those people. You've heard stories about people like me. Many think we exist only as urban legends unless you know one of us. During this time of thanks, I'm so grateful to be one of "them". Looking at my brood, my life wouldn't be the same without everyone of my blessings.

My husband and I tried for years to get pregnant. We gave up. The money was running out, our marriage was collapsing as I tried to fill this void in my life to become a mother. Adoption was always an option. Why were we wasting all this money on a body that obviously had no desire to carry a was Thanksgiving 6 years ago when we did our last fertility treatment. At that same time I was filling out applications to become adoptive parents fearing rejection. We were young and broke, did we stand a chance?

The next February, I was holding my son. He was two hours old when I first saw his beautiful brown eyes. He had me at WAAA! It was love, a love that I have never felt before but have felt twice since. The first moment when you see a child that you have been wanting and waiting for.

Fast forward 10 months - 6 pregnancy tests later and it was confirmed. I think that I am pregnant - huge shocker (this is when we become what urban legends are made of). My daughter was born - same love - overwhelming, just thinking about it makes me cry.

Now, fast forward again. I had just passed nursing boards and was moving to the night shift. Several stick tests later, confirmed I'm pregnant again.

There was a master plan. I am eternally grateful. Even when they are fighting or crying, I love the moment, remembering that this moment almost didn't happen.


ANASHD said...

very inspirational, real people, real stories. Love it

Stephanie said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog...I look forward to reading more of yours:)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for following my blog. Followed you back.

This story is so inspirational, there truly is a "grand plan" for all of us. I am happy that you are now blessed with 3 children of your own.

Looking forward to reading more of your posts! :)

Susie said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such sweet comments:-) I hope to see you back there soon!

Kim said...

Cute blog! I enjoyed your post. I have a 16 year old and now a baby girl (my miracle baby). I'm a nurse too. Thanks for following me, I'm following you now too!

J Mac said...

oh, that's so great!!
Congratulations on your beautiful children, you must be very proud!

Unknown said...

Awwwwwwwwww, how wonderful!!!!


I'm following now and looking forward to reading more of your words. :)

Monique@Mommyhood Exposed said...

What a great post. I'm so happy that you received the children you always hoped and dreamed for! They truly are little miracles!!

F.T.M. said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm following you now. :-)

I LOVE this post. We were blessed enough to get pregnant on the first try so I've never walked in your shoes, but a close friend of mine has been trying for a couple years now and it breaks my heart for her. She's textbook "fine" too, so they can't figure out what's going on. I hope her story ends as beautifully as yours (sooner than later). So happy for you and your three miracles. :-)

Pneumalithos said...

What an inspiring story about your miracle babies!I love this. Oh, the Lord has really been good to your family.
Thank you for sharing this great testimony .
May your thanksgiving increase , daily, Amen. Thanks for following me.
When are you visiting London?
It is a lovely place to be , especially now, at Christmas. Cheers

Veronica Lee said...

Hi! I'm visiting from Follow Me Club. Great blog.