Thursday, August 9, 2012


As I type this, it is incredibly hot. What is truly mind boggling is that my little babes will return to school one week from today.

The kids had an amazing summer!

Trey went to summer school which did put a damper on June but we made it work! I added a tumbling class for Naomi several days a week to give her something to do - she was bored out of her mind waiting for Trey everyday.

July brought a lot more fun! We skipped the last day of summer school with my Mom was my "helper" we loaded the 4 kids in the car and in a Mini-van driving Mom marathon we drove the kids from Tulsa to just west of Green Bay WI stopping only for gas, to pee and twice to eat. I can't believe that we did it, but we did. We left Tulsa around 11am and pulled into the driveway at 3:45(am). The last 2 hours was awful, but it would have been worse to stop and try to manhandle them into the van the next day.

Mom and I sadly left a few days later leaving the children for their annual Grandma and Papa spoiling. I worked...a lot...

But on the weekend between my trips up north Chris and I went to Branson. That was hecka fun! We went to Silver Dollar City, zip-lining and rented a waverunner. We had so much fun!

Came home and worked one more night and left early in the morning to get and see my babies!

My mother in law fought the good fight with me to get them home. I wore her out! We did the same thing and just drove and drove and drove.

Then it was 2 weeks of camp, one week of cheer and that gets us to today. I feel like we haven't had any time just the 6 of us without going somewhere or doing something. I guess that maybe next summer...right?!?!